OMREN seeking in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Sultan Qaboos University, and a group of OMREN members to create a solution of standardized learning with the application of integrated add-on stages, when the e-Campus project completed, it will include everything related to the management of the educational process of every OMREN members, it will include the management of students admission, registration, and management of grades and educational progress, e-learning, the management of financial and administrative affairs and logistics. The special of e-Campus that it will be ready for the future education by exploiting available technologies to enrich the interaction, cooperation and participation, it is no longer limited to the role of the teachers to give information which has become available to the student in different ways. e-Campus is also capable of predicting the reading of stored data, comparing them with existing data and giving proper warnings and readings to decision-makers. It is possible to get international solutions with the highest standards that can be adapted with our current system processes as well as work polices and lows in educational institutions, it might requires to change some system structures and laws in the in educational institutions and raise the level of personnel training and qualification.